👝Example Voucher higher than 1.16

Voucher example for versions higher than 1.16

# <player> displays the player name
# <voucher_type> shows the voucher ID
# <voucher_name> shows the voucher Name
# <min> is the min random amount
# <max> is the max random amount
# <random> is a random number between * <min> - <max> *
# <prefix> shows the plugin prefix from config.yml
BULK-OPENING: true # if the player can open all voucher at once
  ID: voucher # the id must be the same as the file name
  Name: "&#eb3474 Example Voucher" # display name from the item
  Material: "player_head" # material of the voucher
  Base64: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWE1ZjYzNjQ1ZjJkZTI0Mzc1ZTY2NDFmMmYwMTU3Zjc3MDAzOTMwMGI2NGE1Mjk3MDFlM2EwYTY3OWRjNDQ2NyJ9fX0="
  # if the Material is player_head the base64 will load the head item.
  # You can get base64 id's at https://minecraft-heads.com/
  Itemsadder: "name-of-item" # set the Material: items_adder to use the items adder feature.
  Data: 0   # data from the pouch
  Glow: true   # if item should glow
  Lore: # the lore that the voucher has
    - ""
    - "&#eb3474 Information"
    - "&7&oThis chest was found in the depth"
    - "&7&oof the nether mine and only the"
    - "&7&odragon rank is able to redeem it!"
    - ""
    - "&#eb3474 Rewards"
    - "&#a89f22┃ &7100k &8- &71M &7(&#a89f22 Experience &7)"
    - ""
    - "&7((&#5e73bf Right-Click &7to redeem this voucher ))"
    - ""

    enabled: true # if command were send when voucher get redeemed
    value: # commands that executes
      - "tokens give <player> <random>"
    enabled: true # if the player will receive a messsage
    value: # messages that the player receives
      - "<prefix> &7You have redeemed a <voucher_name> &7(&6<random>&7)"
    enabled: false # if the server get a broadcast message
    value: # the messages the server will get
      - "<prefix> &a<player> has redeemed a <voucher_name>"
    enabled: false # if the player will receive experience
    amount: 100 # the amount of experience
    enabled: false
        economy: Tokens # economy
        amount: 100 # amount of economy player will get
        send-message: true
        message: "<prefix> &aYou have received <amount> <economy>!"
        economy: Gems # economy
        amount: 20 # amount of economy player will get
        send-message: true
        message: "<prefix> &aYou have received <amount> <economy>!"
    enabled: false
        crate: default # crate type
        amount: 1 # amount of keys player will get
        send-message: true
        message: "<prefix> &aYou have received <amount> <crate>!"

    enabled: false
    permission: "something.player"
    deny-message: "<prefix> &cYou don't have the permission to redeem the &f<voucher_type> &cvoucher!"
    enabled: false
    world: "the_end"
    deny-message: "<prefix> &cYou need to be in the &f<world> &cworld to use this voucher!"
    enabled: false
    remove-economy: true
    amount: 10000
    deny-message: "<prefix> &cYou need &f$<amount> &cto use this voucher!"
  Experience: # Level
    enabled: false
    remove-economy: true
    amount: 10
    deny-message: "<prefix> &cYou need &f<amount> Experience Level &cto use this voucher!"
    economy: Tokens # Tokens / Gems
    enabled: false
    remove-economy: false
    amount: 10
    deny-message: "<prefix> &cYou need &f<amount> Tokens &cto use this voucher!"

  Min: 10 # min amount of the random
  Max: 100 # max amount of the random

Title: # send titles to a player when redeem
  enabled: true
  title: "<SOLID:FF0080>&lEXAMPLE"
  subtitle: "<GRADIENT:2C08BA>this is a example title.</GRADIENT:028A97>"
  fadeIn: 15
  stay: 15
  fadeOut: 15

Sound: # send a sound to a player when redeem
  enabled: true
  volume: 1
  pitch: 1

Last updated